Mike Kelly, Head of Client Services-Yellow News at Kantar Media tells us why Kantar supports the team and comments on just how successful the team is at sharing its story.
“It’s been a real honour and a pleasure to have sponsored Team Brit, and Kantar Media looks forward to continuing our partnership.
Kantar Media has provided Team Brit with media monitoring services, sending the team updates of any media coverage they receive – from mentions of Team Brit in national, regional and local newspapers, magazines, online sources and social media, as well as clips of them on national or regional TV and radio. Kantar Media have also helped the team compile and evaluate data to understand the reach and value of their PR campaigns allowing them to measure and improve their campaigns over time.
Team Brit has had more than a thousand pieces of media coverage over the last 12 months including articles in The Times, The Telegraph and Daily Mirror and appearances on Radio 5 live, BBC World Service, BBC, ITV and Sky News, Good morning Britain and The One Show.
The output of their PR campaigns (the number of articles, the amount of people who see their coverage etc) is just one half of the equation. Every good PR professional measures the output of their PR campaign but the difference between a good campaign and a great campaign is the outcomes; who took action after hearing what you had to say? Team Brit’s story is definitely a strong call to action.
It’s been a privilege and an experience to have spent time with members of Team Brit and see how they make a difference to lives of disabled ex-service personnel. It’s been an honour for Kantar Media and myself to support an outstanding group of people and an organisation dedicated to helping individuals achieve a life goal.”