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The route to racing

We’re proud to be opening the door to motorsport for disabled drivers.

We help people at all stages of their racing journey, from those looking to try out our hand control technology as part of a test or track day, to others who are embarking on a serious racing career. We’re making racing a reality for people with disabilities.

Our team of race engineers can also offer driver race support packages and bespoke tech solutions.

We receive regular enquiries from people wanting to know how to get started as a disabled racing driver. Here’s everything you need to know about the Team BRIT recommended ‘route to racing’.

If you want to know more or need advice about your specific needs and what is available, email

“Racing can provide an adrenaline rush and surge of excitement that is difficult to match in any other sport. I’ve seen time and time again the look on the face of someone who’s just been driven round a race track in one of our cars for the first time and there’s nothing like it. They’re excited, pumped up and keen to go again!

“Racing comes with risks, however, and whilst we want to open the door to as many disabled people as we can, health and safety has to be the number one priority so there are a number of processes to go through before securing your licence. Racing isn’t for everyone, but it’s much more accessible than you may think.

“We work with disabled drivers with all kinds of disabilities to find solutions, and we’re always available to offer advice and to support you through the licensing process.”

Team Brit recommended route to racing

Team Brit recommended route to racing

Step 1 – try out on track

Before you make any financial commitments, it’s a good idea to take part in a track day experience to get a feel for the race track. We can often provide these opportunities, and a list of other organisations offering track days is listed below (under the ‘useful links’ section.)

Step 2 – Extraction video

MSUK require evidence that you can remove yourself from a racing car, independently, within 10 seconds. This must be submitted to MSUK alongside your application so it’s worth attempting this before going any further.

Step 3 – Medical assessment

Undertake a medical assessment from an approved MSUK doctor. If they approve you as medically suitable to race, you’ll be eligible for a licence. Approximate cost: £100

Step 4 – MSUK starter pack.

Apply to MSUK for a starter pack which will outlines the administrative process involved in applying for a licence. Approximate cost: £100.

Step 5 – Time on track

Take part in a track day with coaching to refine your skills and learn from professional instructors. They will provide you with feedback on your racing ability and any areas for improvement. Approximate cost: £250 – £1000

Step 6 – ARDS test

Undertake your Association of Racing Drivers Schools (ARDS) test at a track of your choice, assessed by an improved instructor.

Step 7 – Race licence issued

On receipt of your medial assessment and extraction video, and ARDS test certificate, MSUK will issue your official race ARDS licence.

Step 8 – Get kitted out

You’ll need approved racewear to safely race, including helmet, fire retardant race suit, gloves and boots. There are a number of providers dependent on your budget and needs. Approximate cost: £1500

Step 9 – learn from the best

Regular coaching is the key to getting confident on track. Coaching is available all over the country at tracks to suit you. Approximate cost: from £250 per session

Step 10 – Go racing!

You’re ready to race.

Useful links

Useful links

Below are organisations that can support disabled drivers in accessing motorsport. Team BRIT does not endorse and is not linked to any of the organisations mentioned.

Spinal Track

Track days and rally experiences for disabled drivers

Disability Motorsport Scotland

Racing experiences for disabled drivers in Scotland

Speed of Sight

Driving experiences for blind and disabled people

Raceability Motorsport

Track day experiences for disabled drivers

Limitless Motorsport

Track day experiences for disabled drivers