Hand control technology
Racing hand controls
Our hand controls are the world’s most advanced and allow our disabled drivers to race on equal terms with able-bodied competitors.
Our technology has enabled true equality regardless of disability – something no other sport can offer.
Developed by Team BRIT and Slovenian motorsport experts, MME Motorsport, the hand control system uses a combination of pneumatic, electronic and hydraulic technology to enable the steering, brakes, clutch, throttle and gears to be controlled seamlessly using hands alone. Before this innovation, disabled drivers would need to use standard ‘push/pull’ hand controls, which require one hand to be removed from the steering wheel. This places the driver at a disadvantage against able-bodied competitors. Our controls enable drivers to keep both hands on the wheels at the same time, saving valuable seconds on the track.
Fully adaptable, technologically sound, and inspected by Motorsport UK’s technical experts, the hand controls mean that every driver racing on the track is equal, with no-one at a disadvantage due to an amputation, injury or congenital defect.
What makes the system so effective is that is can also be instantly removed, unplugged and replaced with an ordinary steering wheel so the car reverts to standard specification. This means that drivers with a range of disabilities can drive on the same team.
Bespoke tech solutions
Our racing hand controls are just one example of our technology at work. We can also provide bespoke tech solutions for disabled drivers with a range of needs.