KartForce is our team’s linked charity
KartForce is a team of serving and ex-serving injured troops that race in endurance karting events around the country and abroad.
The charity was set-up by Team BRIT Founder Dave Player. Dave created a simple set of hand controls to enable veterans with a range of disabilities including missing fingers or limb amputations, to race karts. These hand controls were the very beginnings of world-leading hand controls used by Team BRIT today.
The team races in endurance races anywhere from 3 hours to 24 hours throughout the UK and Europe.
The aim is to provide injured troops with memorable, adrenalin-packed experiences. Taking part in highly competitive events helps drivers forget their injuries and focus on the job at hand – maximum performance.
The team has been involved in a PhD and 3-year clinical study by Nottingham University looking at the benefits of competitive motorsport for injured troops.
A summary of the 2014 clinical study can be accessed here. It found:
“This detailed study of injured armed forces personnel, compared with professional racing drivers, has demonstrated that, even for people seriously injured and psychologically traumatised, there are significant benefits of karting” can be accessed here.
A further 3-year-PhD was carried out between 2016 and 2019, which aimed “to explore the impact that competitive motorsports have on veterans’ well-being, rehabilitation, active coping skills and their ability to resolve the challenges of transition and dealing with the memories of their experiences.”